Thursday, December 7, 2017

When you think the FIFA Trial can't get any crazier, Kevin Jonas gets called to the stand. That's right. A Jonas Brother.

What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On. In. Brooklyn. Just when you thought the FIFA trial could not get any more ridiculous, the prosecutors just gave the old:

Now you may be asking yourself how does a Jonas Brother factor into the FIFA trials taking place right now? Well, I'd say that's a fair question because I don't even think the prosecutors knows why they called our pal Kev-o up to the stand. He faced roughly 3-5 questions regarding a Paul McCartney concert that the Jonas Brothers attended back in 2010 in Buenos Aires in which one of the defendants was also in attendance.The Jonas Brothers went to the concert solely because they were suppose to play the same venue two days later. First question, how is this relevant to ANYTHING in FIFAgate? The two hadn't spoken to each other, didn't know the other was there, nor did they provide any bribes in attending this concert. Second, how about the Jonas Brothers doing a worldwide tour back in 2010. I don't know about you but I would not have seen that coming. I mean Sir Paul, sure but the Jonas Brothers? Teeny booper demand must have been at an all time high for them to answer the call down in Argentina. 

You also have to imagine how the conversation between the prosecutor and Kevin Jonas went down. 

"Hi, is this Kevin Jonas?" 

"Yes, it is. Can I ask who is calling?"

"I am the lead prosecutor for the FIFA investigation and would like to have you come testify against some corrupt men in court, you free on the 7th?" 

"Don't know how I can help but looks like I'm free on the 7th. You want me to get Nick and Joe to come as well?" 

"Ohhh ...  Kevin, we actually called them already and they couldn't make it. Joe said and I qoute "I am too busy making bangers and dating Sansa Stark. Please don't call this number again". Where as Nick replied "I am the 6th sexiest man in Pop according to Capital FM. Yeah, but no."" 

"Ah they said that to you too? Yea, I'll be there. You validate parking right?"

What a world we live in. What a world. #FIFAgate

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