Thursday, December 21, 2017

Beast Mode Ade Akinfenwa no longer the strongest player in world soccer. Bad move FIFA. Very bad move.

If you close your eyes and try to think up a soccer player who you'd be afraid to get in a fight with, not many people would come to mind. Sure Hulk is up there, I mean his name is Hulk but you go down the list Andres Iniesta? Okay, buddy. Kevin De Bruyne? HA, sure champ. Heck even, Christian Benteke. I mean not the first choice on the list but you fancy your chances because he is a soccer player. Let your stereotypes free, soccer haters. Just let them fly.

BUT. There is one player who has been dominating the lower leagues of England whom (whomst?) you may not know about and that is my guy Ade Akinfenwa. The aptly nicknamed Beast Mode (buy a t-shirt) has been ranked the strongest player in the FIFA video game series for years. This man is only 5'11 but is checking in at 220 lbs and benching 450 on a sick day. A man who has played for 15 clubs all across the English lower leagues and has scrapped for everything he's got. A man who has a top 5 goals video in which only consists of headed balls. He is a LEGEND.

This is the background to the strongest man in soccer. As we can see, not a man to be messed with. Yet our pals over at EA had the gall, the proper stones, to rank another man ahead of Ade in strength in FIFA 18. I mean that is no light decision. I'm sure there were scrambles and whispers around the EA offices in Vancouver. Hushed tones beginning to swirl over meetings upon meetings determining whether or not it was the right move. They did it. They pushed it out. Ade Akinfenwa is no longer the strongest man in world soccer. And you know who should be the most upset and nervous after all of this? Not the man who made the decision on naming Ade second, although he should be shitting his pants. It's not Ade himself. A man with an overall 64 FIFA ranking that could only hang his hat on being the best in one category. Not even him. 

It's my man Roman Torres. If I were Roman, I would be calling up EA, calling up FIFA, calling up the police asking for a change or asking for protection because that look in Ade's eyes when calling him out to the camera is terrifying. Now unless the mighty Wycombe Wanderers play a friendly with the Seattle Sounders, these two will never be on the same pitch. But naming a defender the strongest player in the game over Beast Mode, a striker, is just setting the world up to see a crime committed. Hell Ade may request a transfer to the MLS just to dunk on Roman. He's already played for 16 clubs, what's one more. 

So please, EA. Change the ranking. Roman has to play in the World Cup this summer. This is a chance of a lifetime for him. Let's allow him this pleasure to peacefully play without having to look over his shoulder for Beast Mode for the next 6 months. No man deserves this. No man. 

Also shout out Wycombe Wanderers. Fighting for promotion this year. Would love to see you all in League 1 onto the Championship with dreams of the Prem. If you don't have a favorite club or are in the market for an English Club. Give the Wanderers a look. UP THE CHOIRBOYS! (hell of a nickname) 

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