Friday, October 6, 2017

Fan throws paper plane from the stands into the England net. Much more impressive than England qualifying for the World Cup.

England have qualified for the World Cup with a match to play. Job done for the three lions but the group they qualified from was never going to give them any pressure. The vibe surrounding the team is not at an all time high as they were never really that impressive during the qualification round. Now as the book Soccernomics lays out regardless of how well England do in qualifying, it has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on how they will perform in the tournament. Bad Qualifying does not mean bad Tournament, just like Good Qualifying means Good tournament (as we saw in Brazil). The World Cup is largely determined by the draw. So unless England get the Sepp Blatter "hot and cold" draw ball treatment, they will underperform in the eyes of their country. Will England win the World Cup this summer? I would bet heavily against it. In the same Soccernomics, the authors lay out, in one of the most wild titles a book has ever had, the predicted outcome of England in World Cups and one I believe will hold true.

England won their sole World Cup on its own grounds and thanks to some pretty "lenient" refereeing decisions. Odds are, this will be the only World Cup they win in these next 100 years.

BUT. If they locate and incorporate PaperPlane person into the setup of the squad, I'd fancy a bet on the three lions this summer. This person is clearly an expert in design and creativity. If you have ever made and thrown a paper plane further than 10 ft, you're just an asshole liar. Making a paper plane travel the length from the Wembley stands to the back of the England net is nothing short of prodigious. He can help design an England squad that can actually play with rhythm and direction that they are clearly lacking now. Paperplane person is the magic that this England squad need in the run up to the World Cup. If the FA does not get this person involved in the World Cup runup, it would be a disastrous mistake. And that's coming from the people that were involved in


 luis suarez three lions roy hodgson england national team GIF

PS. If you make your paper airplanes any different than this design, you're an asshole.

No need to be a try hard with one of these bougie designs. If you did this, you can GTFO.


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